Mines Rescue Service

Advanced First Aid (6400 series) 2 day course

Training Course Content

US: 6400 Manage first aid in an emergency situation Level 3 Credits 2 
US: 6401 Provide first aid Level 2 Credits 1 
US: 6402 Provide basic life support Level 1 Credits 1

It also includes Emergency Management Plan (EMP), Scene Management, Oxygen Therapy, Penthrox, Cervical collar, Kendrix Extraction Device, Kendrix Traction device, Scoop Stretcher. 

Course Details
Duration2 Days, 8am–4.30pm
NumbersUp to a maximum of 12 participants. Additional numbers must be agreed in advance by Mines Rescue and will incur additional assessment and reporting charges - may increase the length of the training day.
Facilities and EquipmentCan be provided nationally. Client to provide a suitable training room for the course.  Whiteboard and data show required and space for practical simulations and assessments (data show can be provided by Mines Recue if required).
Compliance with RegulationsMeets the requirements of Health and Safety at Work (General Risk and Workplace Management) Regulations 2016.
Cost$4200.00 GST excl.
Costs include all travel, learning materials, assessment, certificates and reporting.

Register your interest for this training now!

For more information contact our Commercial Training Manager:
Email: colin.mcdonnell@minesrescue.org.nz
Phone: (03) 762 7828 Enquire about this course