Mines Rescue Service

New Zealand Mines Rescue Service Emergency Management

The New Zealand Mines Rescue Service provides a range of services to assist in the development, implementation and testing of Emergency Plans. The range of services includes;

It has gained a wealth of experience in the work that it has been involved with across a wide variety of industries which include;

New Zealand Mines Rescue Service promotes emergency plans that focus highly on potential end-users on site and are readily activated in a time of predictable stress, risk and time constraints. A simple, well designed and clearly defined process is the key to effectiveness in an emergency.

The New Zealand Mines Rescue Service provides guidance and assistance in ensuring that emergency plans are underpinned by and referenced to an organisations risk analysis process. We also ensure that resourcing and training needs are identified when developing the plan.

We offer a range of incident management tools and easily used resources that can be set up for use at an incident control point.

New Zealand Mines Rescue Service has gained extensive experience in the planning and facilitation of emergency exercises which are a critical component to ensuring an emergency plan is effective. We have run exercises from on-site low level exercises through to multi-agency exercises that have included emergency services and other agencies.